Episode 20: How to Become the One Guy People Trust with Their Waste with Shane Harker


What do we want to leave our children? Definitely things like good lessons, inspiration, knowledge and maybe something to remember you by. We also want to leave them a world that isn’t overly polluted or full of garbage.

Shane Harker is the go-to guy when it comes to recycling your waste and keeping it out of landfill. It’s a dirty job at times (well most of the time) but he’s about making sure waste goes to the right place and if it can be recycled in some way or another, it does. Too do that, he had to leave his career in the waste and transportation industry in search of better ways to deal with waste.

In this episode, host Greg Martin discusses what Shane had to give up to make the impact he wants and needs in the waste industry and the challenges he faces trying to do things differently.

Key Takeaways

  • Runs a waste company that helps other business divert their waste from landfill (ie. they separate it and sell it)

  • Began career driving a truck, which lead him to a career in the transportation industry and waste industry where he learned how things work and how much garbage was just going to landfill

  • Enjoyed working in a more corporate role, but always felt like something was missing

  • Challenges balancing a new career startup with a family and a wife with aspirations of her own

  • Waste industry has traditionally been done one way, but slowly things are moving towards reduction and recycling (in some ways)

  • Discuss example of a restaurant garbage, alternatives to the typical waste and what some people are doing to make an impact

  • Best way to make an impact is to reduce, ultimately the goal is to education people and have them reduce their waste

Shane’s Background

  • Founder and President of Rethink Resource and follow on Instagram

  • Previous career and roles in the transportation and waste industry for companies like Con-Way, Speedy Transport and Waste Management Inc.

  • Began career driving a truck


Episode 21: The Best Learning is on the Job and Starting a Business with Brianna Coon


Episode 19: The Careers We Love and the Careers We Give Up with EB Sanders